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Sun Mei Tang 浓缩酸梅汤

酸梅汤是台湾的经典饮料,适合在吃火锅或油腻食品时享用。在汉方的经典著作「本草纲目」中也有记载能够生津解渴到疗养饮品。Daylily 采用台湾家庭常见的配方,加入盐糖渍制的<青梅>,并搭配<蜂蜜>和<山楂>,甜中带酸,味道清新。适合日晒与运动后补充水分用,在饱餐一顿或者吃完油腻食物后,来上一杯清爽酸梅汤,减轻身体的负担。




【饮用方法】在杯中倒入浓缩酸梅汤 15g,以热水或碳酸水 120ml 稀释,在均匀搅拌后饮用。


"Sun Mei Tang is a classic beverage in Taiwan, often enjoyed alongside hot pot or greasy dishes. Mentioned in the ancient medical book 'Ben Cao Gang Mu' (Compendium of Materia Medica), Sun Mei is renowned for its thirst-quenching properties. Daylily adopts a traditional Taiwanese family recipe that uses sugar-and-salt-marinated green plums, along with honey and hawthorn, resulting in a sweet yet tangy flavor that's refreshingly delightful. Sun Mei Tang is perfect for rehydrating after sun exposure or exercise and also serves as a digestif (without alcohol) after a heavy meal, a hot pot, or oily dishes, alleviating the body's burden.


▶︎ Those prone to binge eating
▶︎ Fans of sweet and greasy foods!
▶︎ Individuals prone to dehydration due to heat
▶︎ People with poor blood circulation


【How to drink 】

Mix 1 tablespoon (15g) of the syrup with 120ml of hot water, soda or tea. Stir well and enjoy.

Sun Mei Tang 浓缩酸梅汤

  • 砂糖、食鹽、梅肉、山楂萃取粉末、枸杞萃取物、蜂蜜、 蘋果酸、甘味料。Sugar, salt, plum, hawthorn extract powder, Goji extract, honey, malic acid, sweetener (sucralose)

  • 272g

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