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KAMPO~ Wink Kikka Syrup ~明眸蜂蜜菊花饮

黄帝内经》中说「肝开窍于目,肝肾之精血上注 于目而能视」,肝脏与肾脏是影响我们灵魂之窗的关键。因此我们精选了中药中常用来照顾肝脏的 <菊花><枸杞><决明子>以及照顾肾脏的<女贞子>等多种中药材材料熬煮而成,清爽淡淡的甜味加上菊花的自然清香,不仅可以由而外增加眼睛的防护力,还能让我们的身心灵更放松!




○ 孕妇、哺乳妇食用前,请谘询专业医师。
○ 感冒、发烧期间请暂停食用。


【饮用方法】一天一至两包,以温热水 200〜250ml 冲泡饮用。


Chrysanthemum, Cassia Seed, and Goji Berry come together to safeguard the "windows of the soul" - our eyes. According to the Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon), "clear vision results from the liver and kidney supplying healthy blood to the eyes." This syrup is infused with six Japanese and Chinese herbs, including <chrysanthemum>, <goji berry>, and <cassia seed> for liver care, as well as <glossy privet> for kidney care. With a delicate sweetness and the natural fragrance of chrysanthemum, this blend not only enhances eye protection but also promotes relaxation of our body and mind.


▶︎ Students, heavy computer and smartphone users,

▶︎ Contact lens wearers.


○ Pregnant or nursing women should consult a healthcare professional before consumption,

○ Avoid during cold or fever.


【How to drink 】

Put 1 pack of syrup into a cup, pour 200ml warm or cold water in the cup. Mix well and enjoy it.

KAMPO~ Wink Kikka Syrup ~明眸蜂蜜菊花饮

【主成份】葡萄糖、特级砂糖、水、女贞子、枸杞、蜂蜜、决明子、D-山梨醇(甜味剂)、菊花、红枣、 薄荷。【Ingredients】Chrysanthemum, goji berry, cassia seed, glossy privet, black date.

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