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Daylily來自台灣與日本的漢方品牌,將「漢方」的食補概念帶入當代生活中,不分日夜都能享用,為忙碌生活的你我加油打氣。 Daylily is a KAMPO herbal brand from Taiwan and Japan, bringing the concept of "Chinese herbal medicine" into contemporary life, available for enjoyment day and night, providing a boost for busy lives like yours and mine.
Daylily來自台灣與日本的漢方品牌,將「漢方」的食補概念帶入當代生活中,不分日夜都能享用,為忙碌生活的你我加油打氣。 Daylily is a KAMPO herbal brand from Taiwan and Japan, bringing the concept of "Chinese herbal medicine" into contemporary life, available for enjoyment day and night, providing a boost for busy lives like yours and mine.
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